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平成27年「私たちの平和宣言」英語版も発表 平和と安全を求める被爆者たちの会



英語版はこちらから  English edition here

平成27年 『 私たちの平和宣言 ~占領後63年間の虚構を見据えて』

平成27年8月6日 広島







1) 「黒い雨」井伏鱒二 新潮文庫
2) 「坂本町民原子爆弾殉難の碑のご案内」 平成18年8月坂本町山王自治会(長崎市)
3) 「海底のやうな光-原子爆弾の空襲に遭って」大田洋子 朝日新聞 昭和20年8月30日
4) 「原爆復興の長崎 息吹伝える;戦後70年記憶の中に」産経新聞 平成27年6月17日
5) 「忘れたことと 忘れさせられたこと」江藤淳 文春文庫
6) 「日米開戦の悲劇」ハミルトン・フィッシュ、岡崎久彦監訳 PHP文庫
7) 「リンドバーグ 第二次世界大戦日記」新庄哲夫訳 新潮社版
8) 「全文 リットン報告書」原文付属;渡部昇一 株式会社ビジネス社
9) 「HIROSHIMA NAGASAKI the real story of the Atomic bombings and t heir aftermath」

――― 平成27年 私たちの平和宣言 ――― に関する補遺



1. 私たちの立場

2. 日本の悪魔化

3. 原爆犠牲者とその他の爆撃犠牲者、そして「はだしのゲン」

4. 平和と安全について
 安全保障を否定する現憲法は、日本を自殺へ導く可能性を持っている。これを「平和憲法」と呼び、浅薄な"キレイゴト"の「戦争の愚かさ、平和の尊さ」を鐘太鼓で囃しても、仲間内での一時の興奮以外には世界が唱和することはない。私たちはこの異質で異常な憲法を戴けば、世界がひれ伏すと考えるほど「大国主義」ではない。ハミルトン・フィッシュは前掲書で『ルーズベルトが「真珠湾攻撃が恥ずべき行いの日」と呼ぶのならば、ハルノートは「恥ずべき最後通牒」と呼ぶのが適切だ』と述べている。中国が今も清国時代同様の「元来清国政府と事を商定するは、かつて英行使サー・ハリー・パアクスが比喩したる如く無底の釣瓶を以て井水を汲むが如く何時もその効なく・・」(蹇蹇録<けんけんろく> 陸奥宗光著 岩波文庫)の性質が続いているのは、最近の行動からもわかる。今後も日本の「憲法平和主義」の欺瞞がわかる事実が出てくるだろう。だから私たちはそれらを観察し、各国それなりの不誠実さと行動を常にチェックし、勢力バランスを保つ不断の努力をする方策以外の「他策なかりしを信ぜんと欲す」(前掲書)るのであって、それだけが将来の可能性に繋がるのである。

Our Declaration for Lasting Peace in 2015
; Staring at the utopian story of 63 years after the end of Occupied Japan
August 6, 2015, Hiroshima

More than 200,000 vivid lives were thrown into the death in a split second. The intentional nuclear attack brought the solar-like super high heat wave and the gigantic blast beyond description to this massacre at Hiroshima and Nagasaki cities. Preceding this disaster more than 100,000 people running around to escape died in only one night through the flames caused by great many large incendiary cylinders dropped in Tokyo residential areas by many US-Bombers. More than several 100,000 lives were lost to other continual air-raids all over the Japanese cities. (Have a moment of silence please!) The atomic bombings and such carpet bombings constituted war crimes undoubtedly, breaking international law which was committed on innocent Japanese non-combatants mainly in merely half a year till August, 1945. Even 70 years after, those people who have survived from such a heinous atrocities by the two Atomic Bombings are unable to escape from anguish and fear in their bodies and emotions until now. Our fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters could not, the people who were exposed to unlawful attacks could not, have removed from the bottom of their heart; the criticism, resentment, mortification and humiliation experienced at that time.
The late Masuji Ibuse, the novelist described the scene when Hiroshima collapsed and fell into ashes. "Around Sorazaya-cho, they found the fire blaze licked these district. Various shapes of dead bodies were scattered. Upper parts of the body had burned into bone. Only one hand and one leg are left in its own shape barely and the remainder is skeleton. The surroundings filled with awful stench emitted from these human's bodies everywhere."1) In Nagasaki, a record shows "some are dying, some just between life and death are groaning in pain, and strong ones are attending casualties very enthusiastically. Among 780 people, more than 150 people were in fairly good condition at first, but in the next 10 days, people started dying one after another and finally, just about 20 people survived."2) The people who experienced the same ordeal understood that this horrible landscape was the mirror of the heinous action of the attackers themselves. Under this extreme circumstance, while "people endured shrieking in agony and scariest hell of sleeping alongside corpses in the utmost humble manner,"3) people ascending to heaven left a cry of "please do retaliate... Mr. Soldier," a voice from their very final state of mind. But just 9 month later, a report said in Nagasaki "we can see now numbers of reconstructed housings, busy market with many people, wrecked cathedral, and a girl with bandage on her head."4) You helped each other under that Hell, kept your dignified and indomitable spirit, acted in the manner of orderly deeds and then opened up the base for reconstruction in such a short time. We shall express our sincere gratitude and pay our deepest respect to you. We are now blessed with the prosperity as your posterity. We will engrave in our mind your volition and thorny path and tribulations firmly. And we hereby politely bow our heads and say "We thank you from the bottom of our hearts."
But now, there are the facts that we do not have to forget. Seven years of our occupied period which removed the freedom of speech in Japan hid the true story of the war crimes. The shouts from the spirit of the victims have been silenced. And all the truth from the war's outbreak, then the Atomic Bombings and to our defeat, had turned into just stories made up by the occupation forces themselves. They kept hiding their crime of inhumane actions, but only accused Japan. 63 years since the end of occupation, a phrase "Do not let the war memory be gone!" is now heard everywhere in Japan. What exactly was the truth about the war? Can we really say that the 70th year after the war is our own anniversary?
In 1944, an English Ministry statement noted "The general perceptions are that the U.S. was forced into the War but this is an extremely false representation of history. The U.S. have provoked Japan into the war extreme harshly, which led Japan to have no choice but to attack Pearl Harbor."5) A man who was a U.S. Representative at the time of the war's start had published about his experiences in the political world later saying that "President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Cordell Hull issued an ultimatum secretly to Japan with clear intention."6) He then added "Japan only got to choose either one from suicide of the states, surrender, or to start the war. When the facts began to leak out that the U.S. Government did not warn the garrison of Pearl Harbor even though they received advanced information on the attack, pro-war faction members in the Roosevelt administration started drastic actions to conceal various facts including such an ultimatum."6) Charles Augustus Lindbergh who is famous for his transatlantic flight wrote in his diary "December 8th; the Japanese surprise attack should not surprise me, because we Americans had actually been instigating Japan to start the war for many weeks."7) *1 It is widely known that the U.S. had already "entered the war from the backdoor before Pearl Harbor" after all.
The Asian Continent at the last stage of the Qing Dynasty was the territorial competitive target of the great world powers including Japan. The U.S, which was lagging behind, later jumped into the race under the slogan of "Open Door and Equal Opportunity Policy." In those days Manchuria, the birthplace of the Qing Dynasty, was a well known area in the report presented to the League of Nations as "there are many features without an exact parallel in other parts of the world.____ They are, on the contrary, exceedingly complicated, and only an intimate knowledge of all the facts, as well as of their historical background, should entitle anyone to express a definite opinion upon them." 8) The U.S. tried to initiate a blatant advance to The South Manchuria Railway, the company which Japan took over from Russia after the Russo-Japanese War, but the negotiation between Japan and the U.S. broke down. And that became one of the underlying causes for the Great War between Japan and the U.S. later. At the Conference in Potsdam during WWII, "Truman intended to make Japanese surrender without any support from the Soviet Union by developing nuclear weapons to a successful level; Churchill intended to stop Soviet Union's advance to the middle of Europe by hastening the Atomic Bomb drop; Soviet Union intended to join the war to obtain profit while the U.S. and U.K.'s interest started to wane at the later stage of the war..."9)*2 All these facts suggest that the U.S. and U.K just tried to protect themselves from the Soviet Union's advancement at the expense of Japan with the Atomic Bomb." The war demand more serious political tactics for the countries involved than during the ordinary times. The U.K. made a war declaration to Germany against its advance into Poland, but started to ask for help from the U.S. when the situation became tougher withdrawing from Europe's main land and leaving Poland as it were. In spite of President Roosevelt promise to stay out of war which was a main factor in order to be elected as The U.S. President successfully, he actually supplied military assistance to the Chinese Nationalist Party by abandoning the pledge to be a neutral power, with covert tactics to instigate the Japanese to start a preemptive attack. This is the true picture of the Great War, U.K. shook hands with the Soviet Union which had terminated the existence of Poland by making an agreement with Germany; the U.S. lured the Soviet Union to break its nonaggression pact with Japan by dangling dividends in front of its eyes; the Soviet Union took this bait; these are just the scenes showed that the almost all the usual nations possess their own dishonesties.
After the Occupation of Japan, the Supreme Commander MacArthur soon formed a working group including no Japanese and no constitutional experts to produce an "impromptu Constitution draft" under his supervision. It was then translated by American staff and Japanese bureaucrats who were bound to the GHQ's intention. And the Occupation Army dispatched Japanese former soldiers to the Korean War ignoring "Un-recognition of the right of belligerency of the state" after the enforcement of this Constitution. The clauses of "Freedom of speech, press and all other expression," "No censorship shall be maintained," and "The secrecy of any means of communications" were all ignored and the GHQ initiated strict control and censorship of all the press and publication, and private letters were opened. The stipulation of "No person shall be held criminally liable for an act which was lawful at the time it was committed" was also completely crushed at the Tokyo and Yokohama Trials. Spreading a utopian story of justice by winners, Japanese and none of the 'Allied Forces' members were judged for war crimes... they were executed along with an overriding the Constitution which was invented by winners. This Constitution still working and the current Construction could be described as filled with falsehoods from the beginning. Therefore, it is beyond being dishonest and rather comical for the constitutional scholars who only repeat the word unconstitutional (Constitution itself is deformed) about a bill aiming to deal with the dangerous situation towards destruction of international order continuing in Eastern Europe and waters in East Asia, and instead propose utterly no suggestions what path our country should take. Do you really expect China to stop their aggressive distortion of the international order if the falsely self-proclaimed "Atomic Bomb Survivors Represents" voice against the inherent right of collective self-defense to the Prime Minister? The comic magazines as an effective educational book of peace "Barefoot Gen," who encourages people to worship Atomic Bomb victims because that Atomic Bomb ended the war is an obvious insult to the bomb-shell victims all over Japan. We must now overcome the "Failure of 70 years of anti-nuclear peace activities" which is the result of both the 63-year dazzle from the unilateral story created by the victors, and antiquated Constitution which has bound the people's mind still now. Our peace is achieved only when we recover the mental connection with our ancestors, square with the reality happening in the international politics, and be determination to establish a system and the resolution in order to protect ourselves upon our honor as an independent country. And to prevent ever repeating such an illegal error!

"The society structured by survivors of A-bomb and relatives to seek peace and security" 

1) "The black rain" Masuji Ibuse Shinchou Library
2) "Monument information of the victims by the Atomic Bomb in the Sakamoto town residents" August 2006 San-nou neighborhood self-governing body Sakamoto-town Nagasaki-city
3) "The light like bottom of the sea---encountered the air-raid by Atomic Bomb"
Yoko Ohta Asahi newspaper 30 August 1945
4) "Reconstruction in Nagasaki from the Atomic Bomb; Memory in mind 70 years after the end of War" Sankei newspaper 17 June 2015
5) "Things to have forgotten and enforced to have forgotten" Jun Eto Bunshun- Library
6) "Tragic Deception" Hamilton Fish PHP- Library
7) "Lindbergh Diary in WWII" Charles Augustus Lindbergh; translated by Tetsuo Shinjo
Shinchou Company
*1 This expression is translated from Japanese, and so it will be possibly deferent from those of the original .
8) "the Report of The Commission on Enquiry" Business Company
9) "HIROSHIMA NAGASAKI the real story of the Atomic bombings and their aftermath"
*2 This expression is summarized the long original sentence.