TOP > 更新情報 > 平成26年平和宣言が発表されました。(英語版あり)
平成26年 『私たちの平和宣言』
平成26年8月6日 広島
戦後、私達が戴(いただ)いてきた日本国憲法に書かれた「平和を愛する諸国民の公正と信義」や「いずれの国家も、自国のことのみに専念して他国を無視してはならい」という理想はどうなったのでしょう。実は、私達が理想と掲(かか)げてきた平和主義とは、当初より戦後我が国を占領した軍司令官が極秘に発した虚構の産物であったことが、歴史資料により明らかになっています。日本国憲法が作成される前、占領軍司令官が日本に対してだけ発した極秘指示文書には、「日本はその防衛と保護を、今や世界を動かしつつある崇高(すうこう)な理想に委ねる」とあり、この指示はほぼそのまま日本国憲法に組み込まれました。しかし、当の戦勝諸国は戦後すぐに戦前の勢力圏を回復させるべく軍事力を行使しています。フランス、オランダは東南アジアの、英国は世界各地の旧植民地を、ソ連はポーランドとフィンランドの領土を、米国は太平洋諸島を手中にするべく行動しました。また、占領軍司令官は大戦当時には存在しなかった罪を東京裁判の直前になって制定し、連合軍の犯したあらゆる犯罪行為を不問(ふもん)にして、日本人だけを断罪しました。戦犯リストの作成を命じられたGHQ幕僚のソープ准将ですら、その裁判は「戦争を国策の手段とした罪は戦後に作られたものであり、偽善的なリンチ裁判用の事後法だ」と述懐(じゅっかい)するほどでした。そして、占領軍司令官であったマッカーサーもまた、Their purpose, therefor, in going to war was largely dictated by security.(したがって、彼らが戦争に向かった目的は、大部分が安全保障のためであった。)と米国議会で証言しています。
Our Declaration of Peace on 2014
It has been 69 years since the Atomic Bomb had been dropped on the two cities and it haunts
us forever. It took very little time to kill more than 100,000 truly innocent people in total. When
we overcame the burning red-hot storm, we only saw the dark barren land and piles of
casualties. Even in such an unimaginably extreme landscape, people who were lucky enough
to survive helped each other, encouraged themselves, served water to those people who were
about to ascend to heaven during their very last moments, and buried remains in the field,
expressing profound respect from their hearts. People who could escape the attack visited
the burnt out land by any means possible and kept saving victims. We are now extremely proud
of their orderly deeds, and their dignified and selfless spirit revealed in their countless
voluntarily actions. Although time enabled most of them to go to heaven, the strong voices
from their remains, their meaningful actions and pride in their achievements... all of those
still echo in our minds and we are very touched and even heart-broken. We are here now to
politely bow our heads, and express our sincere respects for our ever-lasting gratitude to them.
Right now, we still witness endless conflicts and these are still occurring, with lesser
examples of the U.S.-led interventions outside their country. The disastrous civil war is on in
Syria, and Iraq is on the edge of collapse as a state with much domestic conflict. Russia's
annexation of the Crimean Peninsula and the following domestic battle in Ukraine are
virtually accepted by Europe, whose natural gas sources depend on Russia, and the Indian
Ocean became dangerous waters because of slowing self-defense requirements in India that
depends on Ukraine. This means an indirect threat to our country. The Nuclear issue in Iran
is leading to the confrontation between the U.S. and its European allies and the China-Russia
bloc, and we are trapped to choose to recognize a Nuclear Iran, or to close the Strait of Hormuz.
This means a direct threat to our country. And in Asia, China is moving against the countries
around the South China Sea in order to enhance its clout with military posturing in an
aggressive way. China's provocative action towards our Senkaku Islands is only increasing.
The same story applies to the situation regarding the development of ballistic missiles and
Nuclear weapons in North Korea. The delicate balance which has managed to keep global
peace and safety has now broken down, and we are in a situation where permanent members
of the Security Council themselves forgot the important commitments to the U.N. and instead
are seeking benefits for their own countries.
What happened to the meanings of the regulations in the Constitution of Japan, "the justice
and faith of the peace-loving peoples of the world" and "no nation is responsible to itself alone"?
In fact, the pacifism which we have long held as the ideal motto turned out to be a mirage
which an army commander has produced in secret during the occupation of our country after
World War II, according to the historical documents. Before the birth of the Constitution of
Japan, there was a line "Japan relies upon the higher ideals which are now stirring the world
for its defense and its protection" and this concept became most important part of the
Constitution. However since the end of war, victor nations rapidly started to show their
military power in order to recover their influence prior to the war, and they actually proceeded
to do so in certain areas; France and the Netherlands for the South East, the U.K. for its former
colonies around the world, Soviet Union for the land in Poland and Finland, and the U.S. for
the Pacific Islands. And just before the International Military Trial Far East, the Supreme
Commander of the Occupation Army suddenly established the definition of crimes which never
existed before the War, and judged against only Japanese, with no other legal action against
members of the Allied Forces who committed same crimes. Even Mr. Thorpe, who was then a
Commodore in GHQ and in charge of listing the war criminals, later confessed about the
foregoing Trial that "the crime, starting the war under the national policy, was defined after
the War, and this amounts to an ex-post facto law of hypocrisy for the court of torture." The
Supreme Commander MacArthur in GHQ also testified at the U.S. Congress that "Japanese
purpose, therefore, in going to war was largely dictated by security."
Yes, we have long enjoyed peace and prosperity after the War. However, if we continue to be
viewed as criminals, and accept that judgments with no knowledge of the reality of global
society, and hold a groundless motto of "Blind Pacifism," that equals meaningless disregard for
the toil and endeavor of our ancestors who fell in the war but reworked the ruins. The U.S.
dropped the Atomic Bomb, even after they were notified about the Japanese intention to
surrender right after the battle in Okinawa. The Great Tokyo Air Raid killed more civilians
than the Atomic Bomb victims in a single night. The actions of both the Atomic Bombing and
Great Tokyo Air Raid are obvious violations of International Law, to the point of
indiscriminate attack on non-combatant people. Internationally speaking, even during the war
time, we should follow International Rules we have previously established, the International
Humanitarian Law. Even a commander of the Great Tokyo Air Raid recognized his action
constitutes a war crime. The story "Barefoot Gen," which has been decorated as an educational
material to promote peace, is in fact targeting utterly the wrong people as criminals. Moreover,
this material also ignores the fact that the U.S. planned and approved the attack on the
Japanese mainland almost five months before the attack on Pearl Harbor and Japan expressed
its intention to surrender before the Atomic Bomb disaster. These are distortions of real history.
We can see the denial of our country by giving special treatment only to the Atomic Bomb
survivors, and ignoring the dignity of the victims caused by other means than the Atomic Bomb.
This appears to be elitism, the idea of being part of a chosen people.
Although strongly declared by our Constitution "no nation is responsible to itself alone," we
will not be able to restrict the actions initiated by each country, as international laws are
superior to domestic laws. The international laws even allow the value of supremacy based on
sovereignty, including the rights of belligerency. Moreover, many countries are now strongly
committed to protecting their own security and prosperity by using any kind of means. The
conflicts and wars between countries have been occurring before the birth of Nuclear weapons.
Therefore, even if human beings could abolish Nuclear weapons, the confrontation or fight
between countries would not disappear. So, we hereby voice up: We never choose only the
Atomic Survivors as the missionaries of peace by the phrase "Let's not make memories fade
out". We reject the notion that the Atomic bomb survivors are to exist only to ask for
compensation from others. We open our eyes to the reality of global society and face the
regulations of International Laws, instead of reciting "total ban of nuclear weapons" that is
being voiced by others. The things we must never make fade away are the memories of
indiscriminate mass murder of civilians, and the strong voices from the people who were
groaning after nuclear exposure and facing their deaths: "Please take revenge for us... Mr.
Soldier," "You bloody, America...," were their very final state of mind. The things we must not
forget are the footsteps of the people who have never blamed to anybody, but reconstructed our
cities and country in very humble ways. Without the security of our mother-land, we cannot
say we have independent sovereignty. Without our independent sovereignty, we cannot find a
definition of peace. For our country and for our future generations, we hereby make our
resolution: we overcome the mirage of "Blind Pacifism," and make a strong commitment to our
endeavors for a truly ever-lasting peace and guarantee of security.
To prevent ever repeat of such illegal error!
"The society structured by survivors of A-bomb and relatives
to seek peace and security "